Posted in Cookies, Snacks

Beat the Clock!

Tonight, like millions of people across the country, I want to sit down and watch a rare television event. A LIVE musical show on TV. The Sound of Music is starting now on NBC and I have to bake a batch of cookies and make a snack for a Cookie Exchange we’re going to tomorrow night. I started about 6:00 p.m. after we’d eaten supper. First my husband found a quick Chex Mix recipe on the internet:

Cheesy Ranch Chex Mix

I didn’t have any “square cheese crackers” in my pantry so I used some Cheddar Corn Sticks. They should do nicely. I mixed it together and Kevin took over the microwave-stir-microwave rotation while I started on the cookies while he spread the Chex Mix out on a wax paper-lined baking sheet to cool.


I pulled an old favorite recipe for Cherry Winks and put the batter together. This recipe is available in the archives from last December. I almost beat the clock, but it takes a while to roll 5 or 6 dozen balls, coat them in cornflake crumbs, then top them with a winking maraschino cherry. The last batch is down to 7 minutes 47 seconds so I haven’t missed much. Enjoy the show everybody!.


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